1.4. Gender norms

First of all, norms. What are those again?

Norms are (unwritten) rules about how we are supposed to behave.

Imagine, you and I meet each other. What would we do? We would most likely shake each other’s hand. This is not a law, but a norm. Specifically, a curtesy norm. For example, if I would extent my left hand, this would be a little bit weird. Our introductions would become awkward. This is because I am ignoring the curtesy norm. Will I be fined for this? Luckily not. If someone ignores a certain norm, this can be followed by a disapproving or negative response. This happens for example if someone does not get up in the bus for an older person, or if someone would go to a job interview in a jeans short and slippers, or when a 63-year-old would get loose at a party.

Gender norms

Do certain norms, linked to sex exist? Yes! You have guessed it: norms that we link to a certain gender are what we call gender norms. 

Gender norms are (unwritten) rules about how girls and boys are supposed to behave.

When someone does not live according to those expectations, negative reponse might follow. Gender norms have a big impact on our lives. Shoes, clothing, colors, but also hobbies, choice of education, language, the way a woman or a man sits, … are all determined by gender norms.


And there is something else. Gender norms are not set. They vary depending on the time, culture and context. As you will notice in the quiz below, social expectations of women and men depend on the time, the culture and the context in which you live.