
General policy, by general policy, we mean indicating the direction and means by which the organisation’s objectives are to be achieved within the set period. Diversity and inclusion can form part of these organisational goals.

Case: KU Leuven (Belgian university) changed the structure of its general policy in 2018. In addition to the traditional education policy and research policy, they added a third: the diversity policy and action plan. This enables them to communicate diversity and inclusion values and actions to all their activities and stakeholders.

measuring is knowing!

Before establishing a diversity and inclusion policy, it is best to start with taking a baseline measurement within your organisation. In other words; 

  • Collect figures and data about the current situation within the organisation. Without this information, it is difficult to know what actions are needed and what you want to focus on in your policy.
  • Without the baseline measurement, you run the risk of not knowing who your policy is aimed at, or having a policy with an unclear message that cannot be transfered correctly.
  • The results of such a policy will have only limited effects.

Reflection exercise

Read the paragraph below.

Section 5. Diversity and inclusion. 
We, at Org. X, consider diversity and inclusion to be important. We focus on this in our day-to-day operations. All managers are expected to treat their team members fairly. We apply a zero tolerance policy with regard to discrimination. Furthermore, every employee is expected to work on achieving and maintaining an inclusive organisational culture.

  • What questions could an employee have after reading this paragraph?
  • What else would you need to be able to fully support this policy?