The dialogue model of three worlds

The dialogue model of three worlds is used to show three different ways of engaging in dialogue. Each ‘world’ represents a different style.

This model shows three different 'worlds' and perspectives.

This world revolves around debate, your opinion versus mine. This can be valuable in the context of education, you will learn to formulate your opinion, listen to the other and formulate a response. A limitation of this tool is that it can be polarizing.

In this world, all opinions are allowed. This model challenges you to let go of ‘the world of me’. This way, you challenge students to think further than their own ideas. It poses the question: “why would people think the way they do?”. This way, you can showcase different opinions without somebody having to feel unsafe.

With this model, it is important to present an intersectional view, which highlights how different aspects of identity intersect. All these different aspects impact how someone is treated.

This model looks at the question: How do we live together, in a world with so many different ideas and opinions? You do not have to agree with somebody in order to respect that person.

With the quiz below, you can test if you understand the differences between the three worlds.

So, now that you studied all three worlds, you can apply them to conversations with your class. Which model works the best for your students?

Keep in mind that all three different worlds are important.